Friday, 18 February 2011


In our lifecasting session we did a face cast of everyone from just in front of the ears. I used photo's from the example, the cast I did and the cast done on me. It is important to remember beforehand that you must talk to the model the entire time you are lifecasting them as it can be a scary experience for some people and as they can' see anything or talk they need to be reassured.

1) Draw the outline of the face with an eyeliner so you know exactly where to go back to on the face.

Class example

2) Put Vaseline in the hairline, eyebrows and eyelashes as algenate will stick to hair (ask model to put Vaseline in own eyelashes as this will be easier for them)

Cast done by me

3) Put the algenate in the bowl first, followed by the water. Use 2 parts algenate to 2 parts water.

4) Start putting algenate of the face forehead first, then work downwards leaving the nose until last. (use wiping motions not patting motions.

Class example

Cast done by me

5) Push the algenate gently into the eyes.

6) Wipe across the mouth in one motion.

7) Wipe very carefully around the nose, doing small bits at a time. Start at the top, then underneath then in between the nostrils. Use a stick instead of fingers to be more accurate.

Class example

Cast done by me

Cast done on me
Cast done on me

8) Wait until the algenate dries (sets in 7-9 minetes from the time it's first mixed). Fold strips of plaster bandage in half and dip in water. Lay across face (side, side, forehead, chin) Don't cover the nose as this can be done afterwards. Overlap all the pieces of plaster bandage.

Cast done by me

Class example

9) Make some longer, thin pieces to go round the edge of the face (like a rope) to finish of the piece and make sure it holds it shape when it dries.

Class example

Cast done by me

Cast done on me

10) Let the bandages dry. Lift the edges slightly to let the air get into the piece. Make the model hold the plaster in the front and then lean forwards. Keep loosening the piece until it comes off.

Class example.

Overall I am really pleased with how the life-casting day went. The example was explained really well and it made it easy to follow as we did it. It also was very useful doing it in groups of five so that we got a lot of practice. I was very happy with my main cast I did on Livv as I think it was very neat and came out well. The thing I could have improved upon was taking the algenate a bit further down the nose as because I was nervous about covering the nose so I didn't take the cast down as far as I could of which creates more work when the cast comes out as the nose needs to be re-sculpted more. I was however happy with how smoothly I put the algenate on and how strong the plaster bandages were. Next time I do this I think I will feel more confident on putting the algenate on the nose and therefore the cast will altogether be better.

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