Mum - Age 50
Smoker: No
Sun Damage: Yes - Some mild
Other: Rosacea (redness all over face)
Dad - Age 49
Smoker: No
Sun Damage: Yes - high amount (fair skin)
Other: No
Grandma (Mother's side) - Age 77
taken in 1959 |
Smoker: Yes (60 years)
Sun Damage: Yes - some mild
Other: No
Grandfather (Mothers side) - Age 79
Taken in 1952 |
Age 18 |
Smoker: No
Sun Damage: Yes - high amount
Other: Biking accident
- Fractured zygomatic bone
- Fractured bone in forehead
- Nose injured
Grandfather (Father's side)- 77
Smoker: No
Sun Damage: Yes - high amount
Other: Skin cancer (ulcer's removed continuously around eyes)
Grandmother (Fathers Side) - 76
Smoker: No
Sun Damage: Yes - high amount (fair skin)
Other: No
Other family members
Great Grandmother (mothers side) - age unkown |
Uncle (mother's side) - Age 55 |
Uncle (fathers side) - Age 45 |
Aunt (Mothers side) - Age 46 |
Me, Mum, Grandmother |
From looking at these photos one of the most obvious things I can see is the nasolabial folds in everyone. In both my grandparents they are extremely deep, especially on my Grandmother's side so it can also be seen clearly in my mum, aunt and uncle on my mum's side. Eyebags are also very prominent in all my family, especially on my Grandpa on my mothers side. The Vertical Glabella lines are extremely obvious on my great grandmother and they can be seen all down the family in my Grandpa, mum, aunt and uncle. On my fathers side the skin is a lot more damaged as they all have fair skin which I inherited. This means their skin is a lot more textured and red. Deep pores aren't a big feature of the family, we all have relatively smooth skin so I don't feel I'll need a huge amount of pore texture in the face. I think I look most similar to my Grandmother (mother's side) in the whole family however she has smoked for 60 years. This means that the lines around her face are probably deeper (especially around the mouth) and she will have a lot more broken veins etc. I will need to keep this in mind when I'm doing my age sculpt as Granny's age will look more advanced.
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