Saturday 27 November 1976

Making Prosthetics for Summative Assessment

All the prosthetics I had made previous to this had had problems with from holes to peeled cap plastic. Because of this I wanted to change the way I was making them slughtly. Before this I was using Vaseline as the release agent on the mold but clearly this wasn't working well enough so I decided to use polywax instead. I put three layers of this on leaving 15 minutes between each and buffing each layer until it went shiny so it worked.

This is how the nose turned out. I did the 50% softened mixture I had been doing before (20g A + 20g B + 20g C = 50%)

Am I very happy with this as it's the first time the nose has come out with no holes or tears in. For this reason I think it will work very well as it was a sizeable bleeding edge to work with therefore it will look a lot more natural and subtle. For this the polywax worked very well compared to vaseline and even though it added time onto the making process it was worth it to get a usable nose.

This is the chin piece. I did the 50% softened mixture I had been doing before (20g A + 20g B + 20g C = 50%)

Again this was the first time the chin piece had turned out without any proper holes or wrinkles. It has a lot of bleeding edge to work with and the silicone didn't leak into the cap plastic. I'm hopeful this will work well and I will get a much better chin than in my formative assessment.

For the flat piece eyebags I used Vaseline like I'd been doing throughout as I hadn't had any problems with the vaseline. I did an 150% softened mixture like normal (10g A + 10g B + 15g C = 150%) as this had worked well so far and as normal I did three layers of cap plastic on the bottom and two over the top.

Again I was happy with how this piece turned out apart from a few scraps of cap plastic on the right eyebag however I think this can be corrected with a little IPA to melt it away carefully. The cap plastic around the edge is thin but thick enough to work with but hopefully it will still blend away subtly.

Overall I'm very happy with all my prosthetics and feel they are a lot better than the ones I made for my formative assessment. Therefore I think they will look a lot better and blend into the skin more. I don't feel the need to remake any of these again and I hope they will work for my assessment.

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