Friday, 27 February 2004

Skin Ageing

As skin ages it goes through many changes caused my natural processes int he skin. Ageing skin can be split into some discernible factors that altogether make an aged face.




- As we get older, the skin gets drier

- This happens because as the skin ages, it produces fewer natural moisturizing oils, due to a decrease in hormone production

- It's also caused by collages breaking down slower (collagen is a fibrous protein that helps maintain the skins firmness)


- Skin becomes thinner as we age which reveals more blood vessels and other internal structures

- This can cause sores on old peoples skin as it becomes very fragile and papery

- This occurs because the skin loses some of the fatty layer that lies below the epidermis which is the outermost layer of skin. Less fat means less cushioning so skin breaks and bruises more easily

- slower cell regeneration is another cause of thinness

- sun exposure is also a big factor as this breaks down collagen and elastin fibers meaning it becomes more fragile and loses elasticity


 - the skin begins to sag as we get older

- the sagging is partly due to the thinning of the skin - it decreases the levels pf skin fat, collagen and elastin meaning the sagging skin becomes more prominent.

- if there has been a significant weight change the skin can lose elasticity sooner and it can show more stretch marks and drooping.

- As we age the amount of lymphatic drainage (the process which rids the body of toxins) decreases, resulting in the breakdown of support structures that keep the skin firm.

- In women the amount of estrogen produced decreases, this hormone helps keep the skin tight so this can cause further sagging

Age Spots

- Age spots begin to enter into our skin around the 40s and 50s. They are also referred to as liver spots and solar lentigines.

- They are masses of pigmentation that appear on the skin that gets the most exposure to sunlight

- They are caused by damaging UV light. UV accelerates the production of dark pigmentation called melanin

- Age spots are a defensive reaction from your skin as it attempts to protect deeper layers of flesh

- They are flat not raised and can be black, brown or gray in colour - they are the size of freckles but often appear in clusters so seem much larger


 - Wrinkles are the main form of ageing that first appear and that people recognize.

- Caused by the natural processes of skin getting thinner, drier and losing its elasticity

- Smoking can cause earlier and accelerated wrinkles because smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin

- people with lighter skin tend to get more wrinkles as their skin is more easily damages from environmental factors

- Genetic factors influence wrinkles a lot from when they occur to where on the face they occur

- Exposure to sunlight is a big factor as UV speeds up the skins ageing process

- Facial expressions are also a main factor in wrinkles and usually cause the first ones to appear. Each time we use a facial muscle a groove forms underneath the skin. When we are young the skin springs back into place but as we get older the springing back becomes harder and less frequent.

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