Saturday, 24 November 1979

Formative Assessment

On Monday the 17th I had my formative assessment that although had quite a few problems overall I was happy with the look as I new clearly where I needed to improve. These are the whole face photo's I got.

Nose Piece

The nose was a part of the makeup I was very happy with. I felt that from far away the prosthetic looks very natural - the texture, shape and colour. I feel I applied it relatively well although the blending edge wasn't as good as it could have been (the cap plastic had a few holes in) Some of the edges, especially the top one, are more obvious on closer inspection because I didn't have enough cap plastic therefore the nose isn't completely seamless. Also I found that the thick greaspaint as colouring made the nose edge much more obvious. Next time to improve upon these things I will use a mold release (NAME) in my nose mold so that the cap plastic holds together when I take it out, hopefully this will give be a better bleeding edge to create a more subtle prosthetic piece.

Chin Piece

I was extremely unhappy with my prosthetic chin and I felt it let my whole makeup down. Firstly I did not apply it straight as I couldn't see where the middle was so it was very obviously off to one side, this in turn caused it to wrinkle in the middle as it didn't sit properly. It also again did not have enough of a blending edge not because of my mold but I think because it my original sculpt  put the flashing too close to the chin, therefore there isn't enough material to stick down and bland away. Therefore in a lot of areas the edge is extremely thick and obvious. On top of this I don't think the chin blends into the jawline smoothly at the right angle so doesn't look at all natural. For all the reasons I think I will re-sculpt the chin for my summative assessment so I can get a better blending edge and it be a better shape. I will probably make it smaller so that it doesn't need to blend into the jawline and just extends the top of the chin slightly. Overall I think that this piece is the worst thing in the assessment and in the photos is extremely obvious that it is wrong. However I know how to improve upon it so it will be better for my summative.



I was very happy with how silicone eyebag turned out in the assessment. I think that from afar it looked very natural and not obvious it was a prosthetic piece. Up close there are a few mistakes such as the slight wrinkle that appeared off to one side and the edge on the far right side which can be seen more obviously than the others. However to correct these I just need to hold the piece taughter as I put it on and to blend that edge more and slightly closer to the eye. Apart from these two things I am very pleased with this eyebag.


Overall I was pleased with the gelatin eyebag however there were quite a few things that could have been improved upon. In the far corner the gelatin would not stick down properly because I lost too much of my bleeding edge when I was bleeding with witch hazel therefore it was sticking up quite obviously. There is also a rather thick edge that can be seen by the side of the nose that I was not happy with. I also feel that the skin colour sat slightly unnaturally on top of the geltain making it look slightly shiny and fake. However I was pleased with some of the blending edges and how the texture looks from affar.

From comparing these two materials side my side I have decided to use silicone for both eyebags in the summative assessment. The edges turned out a lot more natural and subtle on that eyebag and the colouring and texture worked out better. It was good to see both materials on the face next to each other and it helped me reach a good final decision.

Bald Cap

The bald cap was another part of the makeup I was very unhappy with. Unfortuantely I didn't get any pictures of before I applied it but for some reason it turned out extremely thick. It was a thickness where I couldn't tear away any long edges and had to cut it to get it on the face. Because of this I had to apply it too far down the forehead which looked odd. I couldn't blend the edge away any where near enough as it should have been meaning I had a very obvious line across the forhead. I also had more space where the paint didn't sit as well as it did on the skin. To improve upon this I will try to make my next bald cap a lot thinner. I will do much thinner layers and not take each new one so far down the face. Hopefully this will make a big improvement to my overall makeup.


I feel that the wig was the piece that brought my whole makeup together and I was very happy with how it looked once it was on. I think the only thing that would have been better is if I stuck it on a little further back so that the hairline looked a little further back. Apart from this I was very happy as the lace was almost undetectable apart from very close and the wig looked quite natural. I will need to reshape it for the summative and will try to get even more of the square shape in the front and smooth it with shine spray so it looks a little more natural but overall I am very happy with the wig.

Skin coloring

Although in the chair I thought I had done the makeup pale enough in the photos compared to the portrait I feel that the skin is still slightly too dark and pink toned. Obviously this may be different when I have better lighting and camera in the summative but I think I will make the makeup every so slightly paler still. I also think that putting the thick greasepaint on first highlighted all the edges of my prosthetics as it clings to the material. Therefore in my summative I will mix all the colours (white and yellow grespaint, MAC foundation NC15) together first to make a thinner mixture then put this all over the face instead of doing it in two layers and hopefully this will work better with the prosthetics. I was relatively happy with the highlighting and shading I did but next time I would like to concentrate on it a little more around the chin, nasolobial folds and eyebags so my makeup is very accurate to the portrait. I also feel the eyebrows came out slightly too thick so next time I will use an eyebrow pencil to get a more defined but smaller line instead of eyeshadows.


I was very happy with how the lips turned out. i think they looked naturally thinner and not obviously re-drawn in. I think the colouring and shape is good and I hope to recreate this in the summative exactly.

Although there were a lot of problems with my makeup I can see how to improve upon them for my summative assessment. I think that with how the makeup went if I do everything I have stated here to improve my final makeup could be very good and very effective. T

This was feedback sheet from Pete.

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