Monday 3 December 1973

Summative Assessment

The wig was easier to reset than I thought it would be and after sing shine spray it looked a little more natural than it had in the formative. I applied the wig further back than I had in my formative assessment therefore it looked a lot more like the portrait and the hairline looked more natural as it was where it was planned to be. The lace did come unstuck slightly right in the middle of the head but this would have been easy to fix and hide if I'd had a few  more minutes. Overall I was very happy with the wig.

I pre-mixed my foundations and greaspaints for the assessment so I could get the exact colour I wanted. I was happy with the skin colouring however the greasepaints made some of the edges look more obvious again which is always frustrating. The lips did not go as well as in the formative assessment and are slightly uneven however this time I put a lot more foundation in the eyebrows and redrew them with pencil not eyeshadow making them look and lot thinner and more defined which i was pleased with.

The nose worked a lot better than it did in my formative assessment which I'm very pleased about. The edges were a lot smoother and it looked a lot more natural. Although there are still some edges which are obvious (the very top of the nose is the worst) I think that this were more down to my original sculpt than my applying as I didn't put the flashing far back enough. My edges could also imporve slightly by making the cap plastic thinner as because the nose was so difficult to get out of the mold the cap plastci had to be quite thick. Overall however it was the best it had applied on the course of this unit which I'm very happy about.

The resculpted chin definately looks and works a lot better than the original one which was used for formative assessment. The shape works better with the jawline and the small change is a lot more subtle which I wanted. Most of the edge worked very well and blended away well (especially the far right of the jawline) but the very middle of the piece wrinkled and had a thick edge because I found it so difficult to apply a circle prosthetic and unfortunately whilst I was transporting the prosthetics some of the silicone was forced into a small fold in the cap plastic meaning that edge would't blend. I filled the gap ridge slightly with cabosil to try to make it smoother which worked quite well but the ridge is still obvious. I know if I had  a few more practices I could get this chin better but again it worked better than my formative so I am pleased. 

The eyebags were the pieces of the makeup I was most dissapointed in. Although they did work well and look natural they did not apply as well they had in my formative assessment or in the practise before that. This is frustrating because I know my skill level is higher than what these eyebgas show as the edges seem very thick all the way around and there are air bubbles just below the silicone. I think in the original making I made the cap plastic too thick therefore it didn't bledn as well as it had done previously where I haven't been able to see the edge at all. Therefore as the edge was thicker I should have melted away more cap plastic so the edge was closer to the prosthetic so they aren't so obvious. I was very happy with the shape of the eyebgas and how they matched the portrait but the appliance of them was disappointing for me as I know I can do better. 

The bald cap was one of the things that went the most incorrect in my formative assessment as it was much to thick and applied to far down the face so I was nervous about applying it for the summative. However the bald cap has ended up being one of the things I am most pleased about as even from up close the line is not obvious at all. I think I made it the correct thickness and applied it in a better place and therefore the edges blended away a lot better making the forehead seem a lot more seamless and natural. I was overall extremely happy with my bald cap. 

Overall I was happy with the final makeup in my summative assessment. A few things went wrong that I know could have been better but the overall look is exactly what I wanted in relation to the portrait. There were some things that went very well such as the bald cap and the wig and I know how to improve on the things that didn't go as well as they planned if I were to do it again. I think this image will look good when edited slightly to resemble the portrait and I am happy with my work.

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