Before my formative assessment I also wanted to do a silicone nose experiment to make a final decision about what materials I wanted to use. I put 5 layers of cap plastic into the negative of my closed mold followed by a mixture of 50% softened silicone ( 1A + 1B + 0.5C = 50%). I chose to do 50 % as noses are quite bony and hard therefore don't need to be really soft. However 50% gives it enough flexibility to look natural and move with the face well. I then put another three layers of cap plastic over the back of the mold.
I large rip occurred on one side of the cast as it did with the gelatin however everywhere else it stayed much more intact. I used pros-aide to stick down the nose and IPA to blend it.
Overall I was somewhat happy with my silicone nose. There were some sides (the very top of the nose is particular) that did not blend well at all and ended up being very close to the silicone so had a visible edge. However there were other edges that blended very well and looked quite natural. Obviously this nose wasn't applied to my model so the fit wasn't perfect but again I was happy with the shape. One mistake I made when applying the nose was I didn't put pros-aide on any side which hadn't stuck before I melted the flashing off so in some places this caused it to wrinkle. For my formative assessment I need to remember this step so the prosthetic works better. Although I made mistakes with this nose I much prefer it to my geltain nose - I think it looks a lot more natural and skin like and I think the material works better with the delicate edges of the prosthetic. For these reasons this will be the material I use for my assessments.
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